Blueprint for Better Health

Community Insights


Four main insights emerged from initial consultations. These were tested and explored further in focus groups, interviews and workshops.


Insight #1

“It’s hard to know when to ask for help, or where to go to get help.”

Insight #2

“When attending services, people often do not feel safe, heard or understood.”

Insight #3

“GPs’ role is critical, but there are barriers to appropriate GP care.”

Insight #4

“There are few options between primary and crisis care.”


System Insights


Five strategic opportunities for improving the health system were identified through extensive consultation, testing and review of relevant data and reports process.


Improve service integration and innovation


Build community and workforce capacity


Enable accessibility across the system


Strengthen supportive networks


Enhance data capability


These opportunities will inform the development of a comprehensive services plan, along with recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and continuing engagement with community, hospitals and other health organisations. Ultimately, seeking to improve the experiences and outcomes of people accessing services in our region.


Service Insights


Common themes and essential considerations in redesigning our services were identified by the reference group and tested with our communities.

Reference groups identified the essential qualities of a service that will be developed further in the comprehensive services plan:


A range of ways to deliver services

online, phone, home, face to face


Recognition of supporting relationships

family members and significant other



to community, legal and physical health


Peer-led approaches


A range of therapeutic approaches and methods

both group and individual


“I think people with mental health issues need full time support, in and also out of the hospitals.”

— John


Get involved

There are opportunities for you to be involved and ways you can keep connected. If you would like to keep in touch or to have a say in the health of our region please contact us.
